
São Teotónio

Article 1st


The Royal Confraternity of Saint Teotonio, founded the 2nd of November of 2000, under the Royal Protection of Dom Miguel de Bragança, Duke of Viseu, Infante of Portugal, is a secular organization of the faithful with common ends, a group of men willingly desiring to defend the origins and Christian values, maintain and honor the spirit of and remember and promote devotion to Saint Teotonio;

Help in all possible ways the works of charity and assist the Dioceses of the Universal Church;

Diffuse the cultural and historical aspects that surrounded the figure of Saint Teotonio (first Portuguese Saint);

Lend help and mutual aid between confreres, in case of need and with the necessary discretion;
Relate among themselves holders of Titles of Nobility, members of Confraternities, of Military Orders and of Chivalry and Nobiliary Corporations; those distinguished with Orders and Medals of Merit and Commendation, Civil and Military; Members of Academies and Institutes, National or International.

Article 2nd

Anyone may join who is of age and has an interest in the development of the ends and who are admitted by the Grand Prior.

One is required to present a Baptism Certificate or, in its absence, a Parochial Certificate may take its place. In exceptional cases and based on his own knowledge, the Grand Prior or respective Prior General can excuse such presentation.

One is still required to present a properly signed Petition for Admission with two sponsors, Curriculum Vitae, a photograph of equal kind, and copies of documents judged necessary in support of the statements made.

It is the responsibility of the respective Priors General and/or Commanders to propose to the Grand Prior the Class and Category in which the applicant will be admitted them; they should deliver the documents referred to above and be in the possession of all of the Civil Rights.

Those will not be able to be admitted who have incurred some canonical penalty ferendae or latae sententiae.

Article 3rd

The Royal Confraternity of Saint Teotonio is established with Three Classes of Confrades, as follows:

• Brothers Confreres of Justice (holders of Title or Titles of Nobility)
• Brothers Confreres of Merit
• Brothers Confreres Honorary

The Ladies will be designated Sisters Confreiras in identical Classes.
The categories established under these classes:

• Brother Confrere - Knight
• Brother Confrere - Commander
• Brother Confrere - Grand Cross

Article 4th


The Grand Prior is the delegate of all the Authority and Power.
The Organ of Government is the Grand Priory, presided over obligatorily by the Grand Prior, that will have vote of quality.
The Grand Priory is composed of the Grand Prior, Vice Grand Prior and Grand Chancellor.

The Consultative Organ of the Grand Priory, the Capitulo of Priors General, will be able to be called whenever the Grand Priory understands.

It is competent for the Grand Prior to nominate the Priors General, Priests and Commanders, as well as to create National or International Priories.
For formation of a Priory, there should be a Commandery in operation with a minimum of seven Confrades.
It is competent still for the Grand Prior to nominate Commanders, as well as to create the respective Commanderies, and decide of their eventual passage to Priories.
Each Priory should have a Chaplain, competent for the respective Prior to nominate.

The Grand Prior is nominated "AD VITAM" [for life]. Upon his death he should be replaced by the Vice Grand Prior or Chancellor, who will ascend to the maximum charge, should be confirmed by the Spiritual Protector. The new Grand Prior will nominate a new Vice Grand Prior and Chancellor.
It is mandatory Condition that the Grand Prior be of Portuguese Nationality.

Article 5th


The quality of Brother Confrade or Sister Confreira will be lost:
• By voluntary renunciation.
• By the public conduct of the Confrade, that be judged by the Grand Prior
as being able to bring dishonor upon the Royal Confraternity of Saint
Teotonio, or by actions or offenses against other Confrades.

Article 6th


It is a right of all of the Confrades to watch all of the actions of the Royal Confraternity and to use the respective Insignia inherent to their Class and Category, as well as the cloak Capitular, or another Uniform that be established for internal regulation.

Article 7th


It is required of all of the Confrades to fulfill the statutes and internal regulations, as well as the decrees emitted by the Grand Priory or their respective Priors, to honor the quotas that are established and give maximum contributions to the Royal Confraternity of Saint Teotonio, looking to spread the principles that brought about its foundation.

Any contingency not covered by law will be dealt with in a meeting of the Grand Priory.

Article 8th


These are the official dates of this Royal Confraternity:
• Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Teotonio (unknown date)
• Anniversary of the Death of Saint Teotonio -18th of February
• Anniversary of the Conference of Zamora 1123 - 4th of October
• Anniversary of the Restoration - 1st of December

Article 9th


They must, whenever possible, be commemorated with a Eucharistic Celebration, followed by a Lunch or Gala Dinner.

The Ceremony of reception of new Confrades should be carried out following the Holy Mass whenever possible and be governed by internal regulation.

Article 10th


The Grand Prior is the only legitimate authority for investing new members, rewarding their merits, and promoting their promotion in Class and Category.
He will be able to delegate his prerogatives, when the circumstances so advise him, to the Vice Grand Prior or to the Grand Chancellor.

Article 11th


The Insignia of the Royal Confraternity of Saint Teotonio, by excellence, is a golden, oval shield, within a laureate frame at the center the figure of Saint Teotonio holding the right hand of Dom Afonso Henriques to whom, facing, he genuflects the left knee to the ground, under a background of blue. Above is the golden Royal Portuguese Crown with a cap of red.

Article 12th



(Rise Up My King and Build Your Kingdom)

Article 13th

The colors are the Blue and White of the first Flag of Portugal.

Article 14th

Final authority - To the Spiritual Protector, as provided in the Code of
Canon Law and in the present Statutes, belong the following powers:
• The Right to Visit and Inspect the activities of this Royal Confraternity.
• The approval of statutory modifications.
• The conformation and destitution of the Grand Prior.
• The dissolution of the Confraternity in conformity with the Code of Canon Law.
• Everything else that Canon Law attributes to him.
I confirm as a Secular Organization of the Faithful the Royal Confraternity
of Saint Teotonio, and, according to the Canon 314 of the Code of Canon Law, I
APPROVE the present Statutes by which it is dictated that the Royal
Confraternity be governed.
I exhort all of the Members to fulfill its ends with generosity and the
spirit of Faith, trusting that this will contribute efficiently to their
Christian formation and apostolic action.
Done in Lisbon the 7th day of the Month of May of the year of the Grace of
Our Lord 2005.
The Spiritual Protector

Dom Abílio Rodas de Sousa Ribas
By the Grace of God and of the Holy Apostolic See
Bishop of the Diocese of São Tomé e Príncipe